Интегрированное занятие «Английский язык + рисование» |
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Автор: Вергун Татьяна Юрьевна | |||
07.08.2015 14:08 | |||
Вергун Татьяна Юрьевна, педагог дополнительного образования, учитель английского языка МДОУ д/с№23 г.Белгорода Непосредственная образовательная деятельность для подготовительной группы на тему: «Животные» Цели:
Ход непосредственной образовательной деятельности: Столы детей застелены клеенчатой скатертью. Hello! Hello! Hello! Children! I have something interesting for you! Plates, spoons, napkins… I’ll give you everything you’ll say “Thank you! ”. Учитель раздает каждому ребенку тарелку, ложку, салфетку. Ребенок, получивший набор для пикника благодарит учителя. But now it is too early for lunch. We will not eat, we will draw. Do you like to draw? Yes! This is not the lunchbox this is the box with paints. How many paints do I have? Дети пытаются угадать количество красок. Four? No! Six? Yes! I have six paints in my box! Let’s see! 1,2,3, 4, 5, 6. Red, yellow, black, green, blue, white. And here are albums! Are you ready to draw? Yes! No, you are not ready! You should put on your aprons or your daddy’s shirts. Дети надевают фартуки или рубашки, чтобы не испачкаться. Friends! We don’t have any brush. We can draw with our fingers. Let’s do our tongue exercises: Red fingers, orange fingers, red fingers, orange fingers. (slowly, faster, faster) Green fingers, blue fingers, green fingers, blue fingers. (slowly, faster, faster) The main finger we draw is the forefinger. Show me your forefingers, please! Дети показывают указательные пальчики. We will draw a cat with shapes. Circle, triangle and oval are shapes. Учитель показывает карточки с фигурами. Raise your forefinger in the air and draw circle, triangle and oval. Our cat should be grey. But we have no grey paint. Let’s mix white and black. Let’s mix white and black paints in your plate with the spoon. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw a circle in the album. This is the head of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw a triangle in the album. This is the body of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw two little triangles in the album. These are ears of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw an oval in the album. This is the tail of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw two points inside the circle. These are eyes of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw a triangle inside the circle. This is the nose of the cat. Now put your finger in grey paint and draw lines to the left and to the right from the nose. These are the whiskers of the cat. The cat is ready! Show me your cats! Дети демонстрируют результаты своего труда. Your cats are very good, beautiful. I like them. Now clean your fingers with wet napkins. Put your pictures aside to dry. The lesson is over. Good bye! Воспитанники подготовительной группы МДОУ №23 рисуют восковыми мелками